Example usage

To use gradecalculatorpy in a project:

import gradecalculatorpy



from gradecalculatorpy.construct_course import construct_course
from gradecalculatorpy.update_grades import update_assignment_grade
from gradecalculatorpy.calculate_grade import calculate_grade
from gradecalculatorpy.predict_final import predict_final
import pandas as pd

1. Create the grading structure of a course using construct_course

construct_course('dsci524', '/')
StdinNotImplementedError                  Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[4], line 1
----> 1 construct_course('dsci524', '/')

File ~/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/gradecalculatorpy/envs/stable/lib/python3.9/site-packages/gradecalculatorpy/construct_course.py:44, in construct_course(course_name, output_file_path)
     41 while course_total_weight < 100:
     42     curr_component = []
---> 44     curr_component_name = input(f"What is name of {course_name} component #{index+1}? ")
     46     # Check if the weight input can be parsed as integer
     47     curr_component_weight_input = input(f"What is weight(%) of {course_name} component #{index+1}? ")

File ~/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/gradecalculatorpy/envs/stable/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ipykernel/kernelbase.py:1186, in Kernel.raw_input(self, prompt)
   1184 if not self._allow_stdin:
   1185     msg = "raw_input was called, but this frontend does not support input requests."
-> 1186     raise StdinNotImplementedError(msg)
   1187 return self._input_request(
   1188     str(prompt),
   1189     self._parent_ident["shell"],
   1190     self.get_parent("shell"),
   1191     password=False,
   1192 )

StdinNotImplementedError: raw_input was called, but this frontend does not support input requests.
pd.read_csv('dsci524.csv', index_col=0)
Components Weights (%) Grades (%)
0 Milestone 1 20 NaN
1 IA 1 2 NaN
2 Milestone 2 20 NaN
3 IA 2 3 NaN
4 Milestone 3 20 NaN
5 Milestone 4 20 NaN
6 Individual peer review 10 NaN
7 Team work reflection 5 NaN

2. Update a few components using update_grades

update_assignment_grade('dsci524.csv', 'Milestone 1', 95.12)
pd.read_csv('dsci524.csv', index_col=0)
Components Weights (%) Grades (%)
0 Milestone 1 20 95.12
1 IA 1 2 NaN
2 Milestone 2 20 NaN
3 IA 2 3 NaN
4 Milestone 3 20 NaN
5 Milestone 4 20 NaN
6 Individual peer review 10 NaN
7 Team work reflection 5 NaN
update_assignment_grade('dsci524.csv', 'IA 1', 99.99)
update_assignment_grade('dsci524.csv', 'Milestone 2', 90.33)
update_assignment_grade('dsci524.csv', 'IA 2', 99.99)
update_assignment_grade('dsci524.csv', 'Milestone 3', 92.55)
update_assignment_grade('dsci524.csv', 'Milestone 4', 95.75)
update_assignment_grade('dsci524.csv', 'Individual peer review', 93.33)
pd.read_csv('dsci524.csv', index_col=0)
Components Weights (%) Grades (%)
0 Milestone 1 20 95.12
1 IA 1 2 99.99
2 Milestone 2 20 90.33
3 IA 2 3 99.99
4 Milestone 3 20 92.55
5 Milestone 4 20 95.75
6 Individual peer review 10 93.33
7 Team work reflection 5 NaN

3. Calculate the grade for last component needed for a target grade using predict_final

predict_final('/dsci524.csv', 93)

4. Calculate the course’s final average using calculate_grade

update_assignment_grade('dsci524.csv', 'Team work reflection', 80.23)
               Components  Weights (%)  Grades (%)
0             Milestone 1           20       95.12
1                    IA 1            2       99.99
2             Milestone 2           20       90.33
3                    IA 2            3       99.99
4             Milestone 3           20       92.55
5             Milestone 4           20       95.75
6  Individual peer review           10       93.33
7    Team work reflection            5       80.23
'Course grade is 93.09%'